7 Major Programs for the National Green Team

Chicago Environmental Science Fair Students
Receive Hero of Planet Earth Award from
Alderman Manny Flores, May, 2009

National Green Team is associated with the National Environmental Hall of Fame and Green Megatrends, Top Trends to Help Planet Earth. Green Megatrends is the creator of the National Sustainability Monthly Holidays, endorsed by top environmentalists.

The National Sustainability Association® is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity. Activities of the National Sustainability Association® include:
  1. National Sustainability Association®
  2. National Environmental Hall of Fame®
  3. Hope Award® (Hero of Planet Earth Award)
  4. Green Megatrends™
  5. Monthly Sustainability Holidays
  6. National Green Museum® Exhibition
  7. National Green Team® (this blog)
National Association of Environmental Clubs® is affiliated with the National Green Team for students. You or your local Green Team will be eligible to receive the Hope Award (Hero of Planet Earth Award) once you send us your plans and activities (via blog, Facebook or website).